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About the Hospitality Academy
Hospitality trainees complete a year-long training course comprising of a 120 credits Certificate in Small Accommodation Establishment Operations (the certificate course) combined with four national hospitality skills development courses and a life skills course. The certificate course utilises learning materials developed by the School of Tourism, Hospitality and Sport at the Central University of Technology, Free State. Learning material is aligned to unit standards registered by the Culture Art Tourism Hospitality & Sport Sector Education and Training Authority of South Africa (CATHSSETA) with the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). The training programme encompasses 30% theory instruction and 70% operational or practical training.
Hospitality Service Training
Hospitality trainees complete a year-long training course comprising of a 120 credits Certificate in Small Accommodation Establishment Operations (the certificate course) combined with four national hospitality skills development courses and a life skills course. The certificate course utilises learning materials developed by the School of Tourism, Hospitality and Sport at the Central University of Technology, Free State. Learning material is aligned to unit standards registered by the Culture Art Tourism Hospitality & Sport Sector Education and Training Authority of South Africa (CATHSSETA) with the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). The training programme encompasses 30% theory instruction and 70% operational or practical training.
SACT enjoys full accreditation as a training provider with the Culture Art Tourism Hospitality and Sport Sector Education and Training Authority (CATHSSETA) of South Africa in accordance with regulation 16 of the SAQA Act 58 of 1995 under reference No. 613/P/000041/2005.
The college is officially recognised by CATHSSETA as an Institute of Sectoral or Occupational Excellence.
The Drostdy Hotel offers year-long, paid internships to the college’s hospitality service graduates. Similar agreements to accept college graduates as either paid interns or as permanent employees have also been reached with other hospitality establishments such as Tsogo Sun Hotel Group, Thornybush Collection, Londolozi Private Game Reserve, Samara Private Game Reserve and Singita Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve as well as South African National Parks. In addition, Bergplaas Private Nature Reserve, annually hosts two hospitality graduates and one tracker graduate from the SA College for Tourism and its Tracker Academy respectively for a one-year internship.
Professional preparation for a career in hospitality
The tourism sector is the largest, global, market-based contributor to financing protected area systems. For transfrontier conservation areas across southern Africa to become self-sustainable over the long-term, it is vital to develop tourism offerings in these areas that are of a standard and with sufficient experiential value to generate return customers. In so doing it would be possible to capitalize on tourism’s economic promise to ensure that natural resources endure for years to come. However, this requires a large base of skilled tourism-industry professionals, that can provide effective management of tourism facilities, and international quality service to patrons.
One of the outcomes identified for the establishment of transfrontier conservation areas in southern Africa, is creating economically sustainable livelihoods for people living in or adjacent to these parks. Tourism stimulates economic growth and job creation. In South Africa approximately 1 in 20 people directly rely on the tourism industry for employment.

The Drostdy Hotel
Learnership Project
Drostdy Hotel which is a declared National Monument became the property of SA College for Tourism (SACT) in 2012 when SACT purchased the hotel from its then owners, Historical Homes of South Africa Ltd. The purchased represented a donation by the Rupert Family Foundations to SACT. A further donation by the Foundations to SACT enabled the College to renovate and upgrade the hotel to a 5 star, 48 suite boutique establishment with all the state of the art facilities required for such a star rating.
A company, the Oude Graaff-Reinetse Drostdy (Pty) Ltd was established as a subsidiary of SACT. All profit generated by Drostdy Hotel will be donated after tax, to SACT for the training of learners.
Drostdy Hotel serves as an operational training partner of the SA College for Tourism by participating annually in the training and development of young, marginalised women and men from poor rural families across Southern Africa in hospitality service skills. The Drostdy Hotel annually accepts 30 graduates from the college for workplace experience which includes on-the-job training, mentoring and guidance.
The Drostdy Hotel provides complimentary board and lodging to these graduates while earning a stipend each month funded from the SACT Adopt-an-Intern programme.
Guests who stays at the Drostdy Hotel plays and active role in allowing these young ladies and men to learn about hospitality needs through serving them. Guests are therefore a much appreciated participant in a grand and magnificent endeavor that will change the lives of these young men and women and their families forever.
Since the inception of SA College for Tourism in 2001, we are proud of the fact that 98% of our enrolled graduates complete and graduate from their chosen courses.
Number of indirect beneficiaries
Every graduate not only leaves the college having made a difference to their own lives and future, but also to the lives of others, including their own dependents and families.
Establishments we have worked with in placing graduates
We work closely with a number of tourism related establishments to ensure that graduates are placed in work experience or permanent employment.
STUDENTS deployed within the first year of graduating
Through our graduate placement programs we have ensured that 88% of our graduates are deployed into the workspace after they have completed their studies.
The College has a high intake of female students within all of its courses.
Through the effective management of student course programs, we have ensured that a high percentage of students complete their full courses to graduate.
” Before attending SACT I had never thought about a career in the Hospitality industry. Because of the skills and knowledge that I gained throughout my training and internship experience, I have secured long term employment for a better future. “
Mixo Cecilia Maluleke, 2012 Graduate
Partners & Sponsors

The SA College for Tourism is a non-profit organisation that operates under the auspices of Peace Parks Foundation. It was established in 2001 by Dr Anton Rupert, renowned financier and philanthropist and at the time chairman of Peace Parks Foundation, and developed in partnership with the Rupert Family Foundations, as well as other international agencies and public donors.
- Anel Trust
- Anglo American Chairman’s Fund
- Bergplaas Seat of the Spirit of the Wild
- Conservation International through Conservation SA
- Distell Development Trust
Dr Edwin de la Harpe Hertzog
Drostdy Hotel
Escape Safari Co (Pty) Ltd.
Firearms Management Services (Pty) Ltd.
Fox Browne Creative cc
Hans Hoheisen Charitable Trust
Helen Gurley Brown Foundation
Henry H Bacon Estate
Itumeleng Community Trust
Jagersfontein Developments (Pty) Ltd
Koos & Rona Rupert Educational Trust
L’Ormarins (Pty) Ltd.
- Londolozi Game Reserve
Marsh (Pty) Ltd.
Mr Dillie & Mrs Riette Malherbe and Namco Share Investments (Pty) Ltd.
Mr Jeremy & Mrs Britta Lloyd (Lloyd Family Foundation
- Mr Nick Jonsson and Jonsson Workwear (Pty) Ltd.
Mr Niel & Mrs Nelia Hoogenhout (Seetuin Beleggings [Edms] Bpk)
- Mr Stephen Falcke
- Mr Tom & Mrs Linda Rawles (Operation Pachamama)
- Mr Ulrich & Mrs Doris Gerber
- Mr Werner Myburgh
- Mrs Beth Kushner
- Mrs Deborah Calmeyer & ROAR Africa
- Mrs Francesca Saager (Stiftung Exekia)
- Mr Glenn and Mrs Inna van Heerden
- † Mrs Irene Staehelin
- Mrs Leigh Ord
- Ms Marianne Schiller von Meyenburg
- Nedbank Eyethu Community Trust
- Peace Parks Foundation
- Rand Merchant Bank
- Remgro Limited
- Rupert Family Foundations
- SA Airlink (Pty) Ltd.
- Samara Private Game Reserve
- SANParks
- Singita Game Reserve
- The TK Foundation
- Thornybush
- Tswalu Kalahari Game Reserve and Tswalu Foundation
Contact Us
SA College for Tourism
Magazine Hill
South Africa
+27 (0) 49 892 2244